Tsumeb, Namibia
2.1 x 1.4 x 1.2 inches
THIS IS AN ABSOLUTELY PERFECT TSUMEB DIOPTASE SPECIMEN!! Every crystal is perfect, undamaged, and pristine! The color is an absolutely choice emerald green, with a hint of blue. The luster is pure glass! The crystals are liberally distributed on a wonderfully three-dimensional matrix, with just enough spacing between the crystals to show off the associated calcite crystals! The calcite is equally gemmy, lustrous, and pristine - which makes for an exquisite compliment to the dioptase! The pictures don't even come close to capturing the intense beauty that this specimen possesses - this amazing specimen is absolutely mind-blowing in person! This specimen is perfect in the truest sense! The previous dealer's label listed a price of $1200 and I think that was not only justified, but a good deal as well! This is no doubt one of the finest dioptase specimens to make an appearance on ebay!