CLASSIC Baryte with Pyrite Crystal NIOBEC MINE, CANADAUS $56.00
Specimens include, just to mention a few,
a magnificent 3ct diamond from Sierra Leone, a gorgeous fluorite from the Minerva Mine -Ex. Liebetrau, a rare native platinum
from Alaska -Ex. Cureton, a rare "blue-cap" tourmaline from California, a unique ajoite included quartz with feldspar & baryte
from South Africa, a terrific native gold from Papua New Guinea, an outstanding azurite with cerussite & bayldonite from Tsumeb
-Ex. Liebetrau, a rare fluorite & calcite from Michigan, a historic native silver with acanthite from the Mollie Gibson Mine -Ex. Hoffman,
a terrific twinned fluorite from the Blue Cement Quarry in England -Ex. Liebetrau, an exceptional plancheite included in quartz from Arizona
-Ex. Schwarz, a rare locale cerussite on malachite from Ireland -Ex. Schwarz, an old-time wulfenite & calcite from the Hilltop Mine
Ex. Schwarz, a fascinating tephroite & willemite with kutnahorite & franklinite from Sterling Hill -Ex. Liebetrau, a unique polyhedral
quartz from South Africa, a very rare cahnite & samfowlerite on andradite grossular from Franklin -Ex. Cahn,
and much, MUCH more!!!
As always, every auction starts
at just $1 with no reserve!!! There are literally thousands of dollars up for grabs - don't miss out!!!