Description/Interesting Notes:
An ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR example of cuprian tourmaline from Neuschwaben!!! These Neuschwaben tourmaline specimens are the only other
tourmalines that can truly compare to true Paraiba tourmalines - and they are just as rare!!! These Neuschwaben tourmline crystals are
cuprian toumaline just like the Paraiba specimens!!! There is truly nothing like the color of these stunning specimens!!! This specimen is worth
a tidy sum in gem rough alone!!! However, this specimen hosts a single, superb crystal aesthetically perched in matrix!!! This specimen
is nothing short of spectacular in person!!! The intense blue color is unlike ANYTHING you've ever seen in a tourmaline!!! This is TRUE, CHOICE
PARAIBA COLOR!!! These specimens are next to impossible to obtain - and their gem value is so great that very few specimens even exist!!! This specimen
is easily worth into the four digits, so don't miss out!!!
Good luck and be sure to check out my other exciting mineral auctions on ebay!!!