Akatani, Echizen Province, Japan
.5 x .5 x .4 inches
Ex. Sakurai Collection
An absolutely extraordinary arsenic crystal from Japan. This "old timer" specimen was originally collected by the late Dr. Kin-ichi Sakurai. The Sakurai Collection was widely considered the greatest private mineral collection in Japan. The majority of the collection is in the National Science Museum in Tokyo, although a small number of specimens made their way into private hands. There are currently several specimens from the Sakurai Collection on the site. This specimen consists of a slightly rounded cluster of modified cubic crystals - the classic habit for this locale that makes these specimens so highly sought after. Many of these specimens are so rounded that the overall cubic form is no longer recognizable, however this specimen is about as perfect as one could hope for, exhibiting the outstanding cubic modifications while still retaining an overall cubic form! This specimen is perfect and pristine in every way. A competition-worthy specimen without doubt.