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item # M-SA018
Mineral Photo Gallery Minerals for Sale
Milarite, Valencianite, Quartz, and milarite

Valencia Silver Mine, Guanajato, Mexico
Ex. Lerer Collection
3.2 x 3.1 x 2.1 inches

An amazing example of this rare beryllium mineral. Seldom does one see an example of this mineral in any size or quality, let alone a cabinet size beauty loaded with crystals! The body of this specimen is comprised of pristine valencianite adularia crystals (type locale) along with tiny quartz points and calcite rhombs. The valencianite matrix provides an absolutely stunning, three dimensional display surface for the glassy clusters of yellow milarite crystals. The milarite crystals are plentiful, perfectly formed, lustrous, and have lively yellow coloration. The pictures don't even come close to capturing this specimen's impressive beauty - the bright, glistening valencianite adularia crystals made capturing the yellow milarite crystals a bit difficult!