Specimens include, just to mention a few,
a rare locale red beryl from Thomas Range, a terrific fluorite from Rosiclare -Ex. Durkos, a gorgeous cerussite with malachite balls
from Tsumeb -Nelson, an aesthetic cobaltoan calcite with kolwezite from DR Congo, a unique rhodochrosite from Kalahari -Ex. Kidwell,
a terrific native gold from Papua New Guinea, a gorgeous fluorite with purple phantoms from Namibia, an outstanding willemite on stalactite
from Tsumeb, a rare argentopyrite with pyrargyrite and calcite from Schneeberg -Ex. Scalisi, a rare thaumasite from South Africa -Ex. Cook,
an exceptional amethyst scepter from Switzerland -Ex. Halpern, a very rare group of native tin grains from Australia -Ex. Smith, an aesthetic
zoned fluorite from Spain, a clino-suenoite and rhodonite with willemite and andradite from Franklin -Ex. Orosz, a gorgeous aurichalcite
included calcite from Mexico -Ex. Dakis, a terrific cuprite v. chalcotrichite from China -Ex. Dakis,
and much, MUCH more!!!
As always, every auction starts
at just $1 with no reserve!!! There are literally thousands of dollars up for grabs - don't miss out!!!